How can you help out?

We welcome parents and community members as volunteers. During the year we seek and offer training in helping a reader, sounds write spelling program, guided reading, maths games and many other activities. If you would like to help out as a volunteer talk to your child’s teacher or contact the office.

Volunteers 1
Volunteers 2
Volunteers 3

Helping out in ECE

The early years teachers usually have a roster for parent of family members to help out. Talk to your teacher and see how you can be part of the everyday routine at school.

Support a Reader

Many teachers enjoy having helpers during their reading times or in the morning before school, listening to the children read. Sometimes the children haven’t had the opportunity to read at home and having an adult to read to in the morning helps those children to continue to develop and grow.

Sounds Write

The whole school approach to spelling and writing is based on the Sounds Write Philosophy. During the year we will run workshops on Sounds write to allow the adults in the home environment to support their children using the same approach to school and also to help out in classrooms as required.


Often teachers just need a hand on excursions. When the notices go home you will be asked if anyone is able to come along and help out if it is required.