The Waggrakine P&C has been an active P&C for 30 years. Each year the P&C welcomes new families and extends an invitation for new members to become involved in supporting the school community in many ways. The school is forever grateful for the P&C’s continued support, without which we would be poorer, both in resources and human spirit. The students are the benefactors of the work of the P&C and they too are always excited about the new resources available for them, made possible by continued P&C support.

The 2024 P&C Committee
President  – Skye Smith
Vice President – Paula Steenson
Secretary – Kai Turner
Treasurer – Tegwen Henry

Executive Committee Members: Mel Sutherland, Robin Sherman, Morgan Atkinson, Emily Ruffin. 


P&Amp;C 1
P&Amp;C 2
P&Amp;C 3
P&Amp;C 4

Book Awards

The P&C funds the annual book awards where four students from each class are selected as those who best meet the criteria over the year in being recipients of the four awards; English, Maths, Citizenship and Endeavour. 

Get Involved!

Involvement in the P&C is one of the best ways of being aware of school activities and what is planned to improve the school environment for your child.  There are many ways of supporting this organisation, however personal involvement is the one most appreciated.  Meetings are held each month in the school staff room.  Dates will be in the newsletter.

To date the association has been an active contributor to the school’s educational program and the development of school facilities.  It is hoped that you will help maintain this support.

The P&C is Active in:

  • Holding book sales in the library.
  • Hosting morning teas with grandparents.
  • Providing ongoing support in the classrooms.
  • Supporting the Year 6 leadership program and graduation.
  • Co-ordinating fundraising events, such as outdoor discos. 

Fundraising to Build our Resources

The P&C is a strong fundraiser and over the years has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars through the GG Festival, Discos, quiz nights, BBQs and food stalls at special events and much much more… Through these funds the P&C have purchased and supported:

  • play equipment
  • scooter rack
  • outdoor seating
  • musical instruments
  • library books
  • air conditioning
  • pre primary toys
  • disco equipment
  • school furniture
  • computers
  • interactive whiteboards
  • cameras and other ICT equipment
  • school shades
  • sand pits
  • book awards
  • leadership programs
  • NAIDOC events
  • resurfacing the basketball courts (January 2015)
  • the list goes on

The Impact on the Community and Children

This has enabled a greater capacity for learning with new computers and interactive whiteboards, parents know their children have access to the latest technologies and are immersed in 21st century learning skills. Play equipment has allowed the students to have greater options during play time, increasing physical and social skills. Book Awards are a time to acknowledge and recognise students who have shown outstanding aptitude towards citizenship, academic, cultural or striving to endeavour to achieve their best.


The P&C runs the school canteen, there is an additional page about the canteen