
All students from Year 3 in Government schools should have access to a language. Waggrakine students in Year 3-6 have one hour of Indonesian each week. At Waggrakine we believe Indonesian is a great language for our students to learn, with Indonesia being our largest neighbour, a large trading partner and a popular tourist destination for our community.

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Indonesian Language Assistant

We are fortunate to have an Indonesian Language Assistant from Lombok, Ibu Anggit. Ibu Anggit will be here for the school year and will assist Ibu Katie in implementing the Indonesian classes. They run a fun and hands on curriculum where students learn Bahasa Indonesian through a variety of activities. The program focuses on language and cultural learning with a key focus on speaking and listening in the early year levels.

Each year the language assistants program allows a citizen of the target country to work alongside language teachers to share their knowledge and culture to enrich classroom and community programs.

Language assistants bring with them a deep understanding of their country and help to make the lessons, hands on and practical, engaging the children through language, daily life and experiences of young people.

The main focus of the work is to support the language teachers in helping students improve their language communication skills. Language assistants are employed as education assistants and work under the supervision of the language teacher

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One of our families visiting SD4 Pelaga in 2018

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SD4 Pelaga Sister School 

In 2010 Waggrakine Primary School staff, students and P&C accepted the challenge to take on a sister school in Bali through AdoptASchool. AdoptASchool started in October 2002 as a cross cultural initiative that links schools in Western Australia with underprivileged schools in Bali.
See more information on how you can help or be involved.

This initiative was established to encourage friendship and cultural understanding between teachers and students across cultural borders. AdoptASchool involves a commitment to improving cultural understanding through compassion, trust, integrity, respect, friendliness, generosity and purposefulness.

As part of the project, participating schools exchange letters, drawings and projects reflecting life in that school, community and country. Western Australian schools also assist by sending educational resources to Bali and assisting in fundraising projects. Today there are 90 schools in the AdoptASchool Association.

Now many years later, many staff, parents and children from the Waggrakine community have visited the school and taken over books, resources or funding to the school. Our school is a very isolated school in the mountains of Pelaga in central Bali. The school community are very welcoming to visitors. Many individual Waggrakine families have now made private donations to the school via AdoptASchool and for this we and the SD4 Pelaga are very grateful.

If you would like to make a donation to our sister school in kind or cash please contact the Waggrakine school on the email address below. School community members are encouraged to visit our sister school and are made to feel very welcome. If you are heading over to Bali and would like to visit we can help arrange a driver who is familiar with our school and provide community members with something to take over to the school, so you don’t go empty handed. Contact us for more details. 

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Wajarri is sometimes run in Year 2, allowing students to have 6 months of Wajarri and 6 months of Indonesian. The Wajarri classes planned by our talented Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers allow students to develop an understanding of Aboriginal culture and language. In 2018, the Year 2 Wajarri students wrote a song ‘Because of her we can’ to the theme of the 2018 NAIDOC.