Department Regulations 

Parent contributions and charges are endorsed by the School Board and are set within the School Education Regulations 2000 where a maximum of $60 per student can be charged. Waggrakine’s annual contributions are $50 a year, of which we receive approximately 53%. All Contributions add up so we thank you in advance for your support. 

Contributions And Charges 1
Contributions And Charges 2
Contributions And Charges 3


Additional charges may be for excursions or incursions, camps, activity days, cooking activities, swimming or additional projects. 

How are my Contributions used?

Money collected from parents is used in a number of ways to supplement school expenditure in the following areas:

  • Computer consumables
  • Classroom activities/consumables
  • Physical Education resources
  • Art resource material
  • Technology and Enterprise resource material
  • Photocopy paper

At Waggrakine, our annual contributions requested are $50 per child.  Additional costs may be incurred as per the Contributions and Charges Sheet found at the downloads page or 2019 Contributions and Charges (548 downloads ) . Parents may pay in full or in increments and in cash or via internet banking. 


The school is registered with Centrepay, for more information please contact Centrelink.