Implementing a whole school approach

As a government school we foster and implement policies, frameworks and procedures of the Education Department of Western Australia. In addition to these policies we have a number of policies that are designed to meet the needs of Waggrakine Primary and encourage parents and prospective parents or staff to view our policies for your own information and reference. 

Policies 1
Policies 2
Policies 3

Keeping our children safe

Policies are in place to ensure all staff and community members understand our whole school process. A consistent message and approach ensures all staff, parents and children know our expectations and the policies that guide us. Many policies are the Department policies, those shown here are those unique or tailored to Waggrakine Primary. 


  • Crunch and Sip Program
  • Behaviour Management and Discipline
  • Dress-Code.pdf (394 downloads )
  • Sun Smart
  • Water Wise School
  • Snake Policy
  • Security_Visitors at School
  • Online Student Agreement K-3
  • Online Student Agreement 4-6
For information related to the learning areas please refer to the curriculum menu. More policies will be uploaded as they arise.